Ascended Numerology

Go Beyond what you have ever learned about numbers and numerology. This ancient Essene practice combines Sacred Geometry with a form of Arithmancy to unlock the codes of your soul. Ascended Numerology (AN) will open you to your abundant, ascended state. A mystical and powerful connection is made during a session, assisting you to gain greater understanding of your life purpose and soul path. 

Ascended Numerology is a valuable modality that can assist the sincere participant to gain greater clarity and understanding about their life. An Ascended Numerology Session will always gift you with the insights and revelatory information you are ready to receive.  

AN is similar, yet distinctly different, from other types of readings. AN is a gift that stimulates and inspires you to unlock your inner wisdom with the loving guidance of a practitioner. A session is truly an opening and a healing that will allow more Peace, Trust, and Balance in your life. 

During a session you will receive the foundational code of your soul. If you have questions this may also be answered in a session. Welcome to Ascended Numerology. DISTANCE or In-Person Sessions available. Both are highly effective. READ below for types of sessions available. 

 How it works: Letters and words carry an energy that are related to the sacred numbers of 0-12. These numbers have been found throughout history and the world's religions and traditions time and again. AN is not tied to any religion, but is based on Sacred Geometry and a method used by the Ancient Essenes that was practiced and recorded at the Library of Alexandria before it burned to the ground. This modality has been preserved and is again available.  Your birth location, date of birth, and name all carry an energy that is part of the blueprint or foundation of your soul which can be unlocked using correlating numbers, interpretations, and through guidance. It is revelatory process, designed to stimulate you to open ever more to clarity and to find answers to questions you may have. AN will provide information, and is also truly a healing modality. Participants feel more peace, ease, and clarity after a session. The WOW factor is big with this one. 

"Insightful and interesting connections were made in my AN Session. The information revealed was valuable and I was very comfortable with Jess. Jess was able to explain something very new to me in a way I could understand. I came away from the session with a greater feeling of oneness." - R.S,  Michigan


Your foundational soul's code will be revealed. Each of us is born at a particular time and place and given a name. This information forms the blueprint and foundation of your unique and individual make-up. This reading is the base for all other readings. 

This session offers you clarity and understanding about who you are and why you are here. You will be given the opportunity to discover your unique code. 

You will experience an in-depth, revelatory experience, of the key components and energies that impact you and the life you lead. You will be offered your Primary Soul Code based on your birth location, your birth name, and your birth date. 

Consider this session if you have been seeking to more deeply understand who you are and what your purpose is. The clarity and understanding that come forward in our time together will truly delight you. 

"Revealing, inspiring and uplifting. I loved it. It was more helpful than I ever could have imagined. It gave me an amazing sense of clarity that I badly needed." 

Rachel, Michigan


This session benefits you by expanding upon your Diamond Foundation Reading. You will receive more information about what brought you to this moment in time and can expand what your future direction might be. You can discover more about what you are here to do and how you are complete your mission. Or receive insights surrounding past events and occurrences that have brought you to this moment. 

You will be asked to provide Jess Lynn with three questions you are wishing to receive guidance about. These can be related to relationships, health, moves, transitional times, and more. 

This session offers what the name suggests. An expansion of your Soul Code. The bigger picture of your life will come into greater focus. You may also look at events and times in your life that were key moments that you want more understanding about. 

A Life Review/Soul Code Expansion Reading will gift you with deep insight, profound clarity, and amazing healing gifts. What comes forward can take your life and journey to joyful, reverent levels. You will experience healing and comfort through your enhanced clarity and applied practices. 


These can be separate Sessions after receiving your initial Foundation Reading and can be incorporated into your Life Review/Soul Code Expansion Session. You may desire follow up sessions periodically in order to continue gaining insights and clarity or when you are faced with decisions and transitions or other questions you would like guidance with.