Self Ascension Studios

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Jumpstart Your Spiritual or Wellness Business

Whether you are just dreaming of your spiritual-based business or wellness services or you are ready to build bigger and dream larger, congratulations! Here are the keys to up-leveling in your business today!

Align with your Value

Get really clear on what you have to offer. This is the first step when making any business decision and as you get ready to bring your offer to the world. What do you have that helps support other people? What are your gifts? Get out a journal and do some writing or go for a walk and meditate on these questions.

Align with your Heart and True Nature

Get into touch with your own unique soul essence and really feel into your own Divine Presence. Remember that you are being with many gifts and talents that you are excited to share with the world! What makes your heart sing and soul feel expansive. Go towards that.

Connect with Other Inspiring Humans

Find at least one other person or a group of people who are actively pursuing their own goals and dreams. If you really want to level up, find a coach or mentor that can support you! Enroll in some coaching. Always align with heart and values first to see if it is a match. Decide from alignment before diving in.

Invest in your dream

You must take action steps. Investment may mean time, money, or other ways of putting your energy into your dream. We must spend time dreaming the dream and time putting pieces into action. Maybe it is hiring people to help at home or the workplace. Maybe it is setting aside time for journaling and dreaming. Think about how invested you are! This might look different during different phases of business building for you, trust yourself.

Get Ready to be Uncomfortable!

The tension of new growth can feel very uncomfortable. It is not a matter of ‘if’ self-sabotage, fears, or other sneaky ego tricks will kick in, it is ‘what’ you do when that happens. Because when we are growing and stretching our paradigms about what is possible for us we are going to encounter all the fears and reasons to stay playing small. Decide what practices, techniques, and tools you can use for these moments. This is when that coach or community is invaluable, those that can see your possibility and remind you that you can do this!

Set Goals

Research shows that those who actually write down their goals and spend time actively reviewing them achieve them much more often! Most people don’t even think about their goals, imagine if more of us did. A good goal in growing your business should make you feel slightly stretchy! It should feel doable but also push you past your comfort zone! You may experiment with short-term goals and long term. You can set goals in work, home, spirituality, or anywhere in your life. Working on a goal in one area will impact all areas of your life.

Visualize those you are helping

Spend time thinking of your ideal client or person receiving your goods or services. What is unique about them. What are they looking for? What do they

need? Really get into this process. You can develop an entire avatar. Focus on this one being when you are creating your offerings. Speak into their needs.

Expand your vision and notice the ripple effects of each person you impact. They are out there waiting for you!

Have Fun!

Prioritize the things that feed your joy! Put them on your calendar and hold to them. Make sure fun is part of your business plan!

Self Care

Take care of yourself as a priority! It can be so easy to let this slide when we are in busy planning or growth phases in our business and lives. Prioritize the ways you are caring for yourself. Pay attention to all the medicines of the body, mind, emotions, spirit, and consciousness. Spend time thinking about what feeds you in these areas and prioritize. Self-care includes not comparing yourself to others!

This list is the core of what helps you to succeed in order to get into alignment with your goals as a spiritual or wellness entrepreneur and leader. Get out there, the world needs your services! Only you do what you do, and offer what you do, in your unique way. There are no limits except the ones we place on ourselves!

If you want to explore further with a coach and you feel we would be a good match please book your Discovery Session today

Ready to dive into Boost Camp! Join my class May 21st to launch or uplevel your spiritual or wellness business.