Self Ascension Studios

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Quick Pick Me Ups

Anytime we feel anything less than peace, love, or joy we have disconnected from our truth and our heart center. We can quickly get back into our heart at any moment we choose. Thankfully, there are many ways we can do that. Here are a few: 

Hand to Heart

Bring a hand to your heart, wherever it natural wants to rest. This is sometimes known as the high heart, or heart chakra.

After bringing your hand to your heart, close your eyes if it feels safe to do so, and take in a breath and exhale. Good. Do this several times drawing in cleansing air and releasing. Add a release with sound for deeper surrender into the practice. Smile!

Drink Water and Lemon

Drinking water is simple and one of the fastest ways to balance yourself and get a pick me up. Pure water is best. Add a squeeze of organic lemon to cleanse, alkalize, and boost your systems. 

Spend 5 minutes Sitting

Sit and do nothing. Sometimes this is called meditation. Sit, allow your eyes to close, or half close softly. Become aware of your breath. Each time your attention strays from your breath, simply notice without judgement and bring yourself back to the breath. Also, focusing on a beautiful vista, image, or focal point can feel wonderful. At the end stand up and stretch out all your limbs, forming a star with arms out and extended, legs stretched out and strong, head straight and aligned. Breathe deeply! Don't forget a smile! 

Hug a Tree

Tree hugging is for everyone! Being near a tree, sitting with your back against it, leaning on a tree, or stroking some low hanging bows, is very nourishing. You come back into balance, you receive oxygen and an ionic blast that helps rebalance the systems. Find a tree that seems to call you and be with it for only a few moments to experience a lift. 

Stand Up and Dance

Do a little twirl, a jig, jumping jacks. Even if you don't feel like it! Bring that smile to your face. This will all quickly shift your energy into a place where you have perspective, a bit of joy, and connection with your body and spirit.