What is Avesa?

Avesa is rooted in Sansrkit and at its most direct translates as two energies.
The root, Ave,  means ‘hail to’ and the other part, Sa,  means ‘divine empowerment within’

Together Avesa can translate as Hail to the Divine Empowerment within.

When one works with Avesa through breath practices, Avesa Balancings, and in other ways,  there is an ignition in the memory of the cells and a peace, love, and joy begin to come into alignment again as the foundation of your being. From here all healing is possible gently and rapidly. 

Avesa is a way to connect to your Authentic Soul's Energy and create greater peace and balance. It is a Quantum Healing Technique that is ancient, bringing your inner energetic systems into a state of harmony so healing can happen. Prior to 2000, the last time Avesa energies were available on this planet was during the late 1800’s when they were used by sages or gurus living in the Himalayas and by others in Tibet. This energetic gift and practice is again available after being safeguarded until we were ready. 

Energy and Intention flow far beyond what we can realize in the physical. 

Avesa is an ancient mystical modality of spiritual empowerment that calls forth your most abundant life and reveals wisdom and clarity that defies the mind.

Avesa always works at the level of causes that underlie symptoms we are experiencing. It is always safe, always uplifting, and will bring you great support on your journey. 

It represents coming forward into you truth, your pure energy, recognizing and finding clarity. 

In this space you have greater access to your intuition, clear thinking, and Authentic Self’s knowing. 

Some of this description is from those offered through Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa the teachers and lineage holders of Avesa on this planet now.
