Coaching &
Energy Healing
to Help You Live Your Best Life
and Rediscover Your True Self
to Help You Live Your Best Life
and Rediscover Your True Self
Jess Juntunen is a counselor, energy healer, intuitive, teacher, and well known talk show host, guiding beings through dynamic transformations in order to create more fulfilling lives that are aligned with their unique life's purpose.
Self Ascension Studios is the culmination of a lifetime spent studying, nurturing, and developing her passion and ability to help others navigate their own evolutions toward lives that are authentic to themselves, free of pain and limitations, and in true alignment of body, mind, and spirit.
She reaches people around the world as the host of Soul Fusion Café, a live radio program, and podcast at, and has also been featured on Soul Mirrors Radio.
Jess is a Soul Partner with Awakening Spirit Collective offering wisdom and support in this growing online membership forum.
Feeling stuck, lacking motivation, and wondering "Is this it???" are all too common to this world. Or perhaps you feel you have already learned the basics of manifestation, spirituality, and energy work but you know there is so much more.
Many people remain caught up in their limiting beliefs, never truly satisfied, and unable to break free. Some are held back by past hurts and traumas. Others simply never learned or lost touch with their unique purpose.
What if you could break free? What if you could level up easily and quickly?
Get in touch with
your true life's purpose?
Awaken to the abilities within you
to heal your body and life?
Remember who you truly are,
deep in your soul?
Experience freedom of living
from your highest potential?
It is all possible and it's all within your reach. All you need to do is take the first step.
“I find Jess Juntunen to be one of the most powerful healers I have ever worked with. After just one session with her I got back into alignment with my purpose, to feeling my own light, and moved into greater service and prosperity. Her gifted presence, voice and sacred connection to Spirit has positively changed my life forever.”
Avesa is rooted in Sansrkit and at its most direct translates as two energies. The root, Ave, means ‘hail to’ and the other part, Sa, means ‘divine empowerment within.’ Together Avesa can translate as Hail to the Divine Empowerment within.
Whether you are just dreaming of your spiritual-based business or wellness services or you are ready to build bigger and dream larger, congratulations! Here are the keys to up-leveling in your business today!
Self-Ascension is a non-dogmatic pathway to healing, personal empowerment, and freedom. We can ascend into our Highest Self when we live from our Ascended Heart, bringing all of our other energy systems into alignment.
Ready For a Taste? Keep Exploring
Attend a New Moon Ceremony.
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Listen to the Radio Program.
Soul Fusion Cafe with Jess is a blend of fun chats, wisdom, and deep delicious connection. Live on Tuesdays, 9 a.m. PST.
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Are you Ready for a Deep Dive?
Sign up for a 1:1 session or a group program.